The Worst Movie in the Thor Series

 Marvel has released many extraordinary movie series and one of them is Thor, starring Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Natalie Portman, Cate Blanchett and Tessa Thompson. It is based on Norse mythology and the story is based on a mighty, ambitious and arrogant god, Thor the god of thunder with his mighty hammer Mjolnir and his wicked brother Loki, the god of mischief. His experiences in exile, arguments with his father Odin, battles with the frost giants and her evil sister Hela, are shown through this series. 

I would say that the worst among them is Thor 2 : The Dark World. The story is not quite fascinating and the visuals are disappointing. The first movie and the third movie are fabulous while this one, ambushed my expectations. The fights were not cool and the villain Malekith didn't seem brutal and wicked. The whole concept of Aether was in fact boring. I would never recommend this movie but you should watch this to understand the whole concept of the vast Marvel universe. 

Marvel was and still is the best but anyone can have flaws and one of Marvel's greatest flaw is this.
