Muhammad-bin Tughlaq and 3 examples of his miserable failure.

The Tughlaq dynasty began in the year 1320 and Ghiyassudin Tughlaq was the first ruler.  He was a man of justice and restoring law and order was his first concern. After his death, his son Jauna Khan came into power as king Muhammad-bin Tughlaq.  He was a scholar but he failed miserably as a king.


1. He was also described as "inhuman eccentric" by many people. One of his first hopeless decision was the taxation in Doab. He increased the taxes very much and when there was a famine, people were not able to pay taxes and they revolted against this. Later he had to lift the taxes.

2. Once he decided to shift his capital from Delhi to Daulatabad due to the Mongol invasions, but then again he decided to shift his capital from Daulatabad to Delhi. This caused a huge loss to the royal treasury.

3. He introduced token currency instead of silver coins. But when the introduction of counterfeits led ted to the reduction of its value and most traders did not accept this.


  1. Nice piece of information , thanks !!!

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