Science facts are fun, bizarre and intriguing. I would be sharing 8 Science facts that may blow your mind! So here we all go into the ' marvels of science '.
1. The giant squid has the largest eyes in the world .

2. There are around 300 million alveoli in each of our lungs!
4. The Carolina Reaper is the world's most hottest pepper with up to 2200000 Scoville heat units! While a jalapeno has just up to 8000 Scoville heat units. It's better not to try it.
5. Bananas are berries!!
6. Corn flakes were discovered by an accident when a batch of wheat - based cereal dough was fermented, rolled out and baked which resulted as a delicious meal.
7. The tusks of an elephant are its adapted teeth!
8. Bulls do not get angry when they see red. They are color blind!